What to Do When My Hip Feels Out of Place?

Jul 16, 2021

What to Do When Your Hip Feels Out of Place

Even if you aren’t sure exactly how a joint like your hip works, it can feel obvious when something is “off” and the hip feels out of place. Many people describe this as feeling like their hips are misaligned and say that it impacts daily activities and comfort. This can happen for a variety of reasons, but it is important to understand exactly what can cause this and what you can do to prevent further issues.

Hip Anatomy and Function

The hip is a ball-and-socket joint, which is one of the largest and most important joints in the body.

This structure includes the femoral head (ball) fitting into the acetabulum (socket) of the pelvis. It is surrounded by smooth cartilage that allows for pain-free movement, while ligaments connect the femoral head to the acetabulum, providing stability. Muscles around the hip, such as the gluteal muscles and hip flexors, assist in movement and support, and tendons connect these muscles to the bones.

The hip joint’s robust design enables it to support the body’s weight while allowing for dynamic movements. However, due to its complex structure and the load it bears, the hip can sometimes feel out of place or experience discomfort.

Common Causes of Hip Discomfort

When you find yourself asking, “Why does my hip feel out of place?” the answer may surprise you. Several factors can contribute to the sensation of your hip feeling out of place, ranging from minor muscle strains to more serious conditions.

Muscle Strain or Sprain

Engaging in activities that involve repetitive motions or sudden, intense movements can strain the muscles and ligaments around the hip joint. This can lead to discomfort and the sensation that your hip is out of place.

Additionally, failing to properly warm up before physical activity can increase the risk of muscle strains.

Hip Dysplasia

Hip dysplasia is a condition where the hip socket does not fully cover the ball portion of the upper thigh bone. This can cause the hip to feel unstable and lead to the sensation of it being out of place.

Hip Labral Tear

The labrum is a ring of cartilage that surrounds the hip socket and provides stability. A tear in the labrum can cause pain and a feeling of instability in the hip joint.


Osteoarthritis occurs when the cartilage in the hip joint wears down over time, leading to pain, stiffness, and the sensation of the hip being out of place. This condition is more common in older adults.

Injuries and Trauma

Direct impact to the hip from falls, sports injuries, or accidents can cause the joint to feel misaligned and lead to significant discomfort. A fracture in the hip bone can also cause severe pain and a feeling that the hip is out of place.

Other Conditions

  • Bursitis: Inflammation of the bursae, small fluid-filled sacs that cushion the hip joint, can cause pain and discomfort.
  • Tendonitis: Inflammation of the tendons around the hip can lead to pain and a sensation of instability.
  • Sciatica: Compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve can cause pain that radiates from the lower back to the hip, leading to discomfort.

Understanding these common causes can help you determine why your hip feels out of place and lead you toward appropriate professionals for help.

Signs Your Hip Is Out of Place

For some people, the feeling of a hip being out of place is instinctual–something feels “off,” and that is how they describe it. But if you aren’t sure that is what you are feeling or are struggling to pinpoint it, here are some things to look for to identify your condition.

  • Pain and Discomfort: Sharp or dull pain in the hip joint that can extend to the groin, buttocks, or thigh, often worsening with movement or even persisting at rest.
  • Stiffness and Limited Range of Motion: Difficulty moving the hip through its full range of motion, such as bending or rotating the leg, with stiffness often more pronounced in the morning.
  • Clicking or Popping Sounds: Audible clicking, popping, or snapping sounds during hip movements, which may indicate misalignment or issues with ligaments, tendons, or cartilage.
  • Instability and Weakness: A sensation that the hip is giving way or not supporting your weight properly, accompanied by reduced muscle strength around the hip.
  • Swelling and Inflammation: Noticeable swelling or inflammation around the hip joint, sometimes accompanied by warmth, tenderness, or bruising, especially after an injury.
  • Limited Mobility and Gait Changes: Difficulty walking, limping, or favoring one side, and severe pain or discomfort when putting weight on the affected hip.
  • Radiating Pain: Discomfort that radiates from the hip to the lower back, groin, or down the leg, which can indicate nerve involvement or referred pain.

If you experience any of these symptoms, especially if they are severe or persistent, consult a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.

Home Management Options

When your hip feels out of place, there are several home management options you can try to alleviate discomfort and support recovery. Here are some effective strategies that may help.

  • Rest and Avoid Aggravating Activities: Give your hip time to heal by avoiding activities that cause pain or strain. Resting can prevent further injury and promote recovery.
  • Ice and Heat Therapy: Apply ice packs to the hip for 15-20 minutes several times a day to reduce swelling and inflammation. After the initial 48 hours, use heat therapy to relax muscles and improve blood flow.
  • Over-the-Counter Pain Relief: Use NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) like ibuprofen or acetaminophen to manage pain and reduce inflammation.
  • Gentle Stretching and Mobility Exercises: Perform light stretches and gentle exercises to maintain flexibility and support hip function. Examples include hip flexor stretches, glute bridges, and gentle yoga poses.
  • Maintain Good Posture: Ensure proper posture when sitting, standing, and moving to reduce strain on your hip joint. Use ergonomic furniture and consider supportive seating.
  • Use Supportive Footwear: Wear shoes with good arch support and cushioning to minimize stress on your hips. Avoid high heels and shoes that lack proper support.
  • Stay Hydrated and Eat a Balanced Diet: Proper hydration and nutrition can support joint health. Include foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, and vitamin D.
  • Massage and Foam Rolling: Gently massage the hip area or use a foam roller to release muscle tension and improve circulation.

As always, if symptoms persist or worsen, it is important to seek professional medical advice for further evaluation and treatment.

Professional Help for Hip Misalignments

When home management options are not enough to relieve the discomfort of a hip feeling out of place, seeking professional help is the next best step. If you contact us and say, “My hip is out of place,” we’ll explore different causes and options to relieve the discomfort. At AICA Snellville, we offer a range of treatments designed to address hip misalignments and support overall hip health.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is a crucial component in treating hip misalignments for any reasons. Our physical therapists at AICA design personalized exercise programs tailored to strengthen the muscles around the hip joint, improve flexibility, and enhance stability. Through targeted exercises, you can regain mobility and reduce the risk of future injuries.

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care offers effective solutions for hip misalignments through spinal adjustments and hip joint manipulations. Chiropractors at AICA Snellville will perform adjustments to correct misalignments in the spine and pelvis, which can alleviate hip discomfort and enhance joint function.

Orthopedic Specialists

For more severe cases, medical interventions may be necessary to manage hip misalignments. At AICA, we offer corticosteroid injections to reduce inflammation and pain in the hip joint, providing significant relief for conditions like bursitis or arthritis. Our physicians can prescribe medications tailored to your specific needs to effectively manage pain and inflammation. In some instances, a surgical consultation may be recommended to discuss options such as hip arthroscopy or hip replacement, depending on the severity of the condition and underlying issues.

Diagnostic Services

Accurate diagnosis is critical to effective treatment. At AICA, we provide comprehensive diagnostic services, including X-rays, MRI, or CT scans, to get a detailed view of the hip joint. These imaging techniques help diagnose the exact cause of discomfort and plan the appropriate treatment. Our thorough physical examinations and assessments ensure that we understand your symptoms, medical history, and specific needs, allowing us to create a personalized treatment plan that addresses your condition effectively.

Take Control of Your Hip Health

Experiencing the sensation that your hip feels out of place can be distressing and impact your daily life. At AICA Snellville, our team of skilled professionals is dedicated to providing comprehensive care to address your hip discomfort.

If you’re struggling with persistent or severe hip issues, don’t wait—schedule an appointment with us today and take the first step towards restoring your hip health.


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