Why Your Cell Phone Is Hurting Your Health

Nov 7, 2016

Face it; we’re on our phones and computers every day. Whether you’re typing away at a keyboard, uploading a picture to a social media site, or sending a text to a friend—you’re plugged into technology all the time.

Prevent some long-term effects from these repetitive tasks with our a few tricks and tips offered by the Chiropractors at AICA Snellville.

Text Thumb

As indicated by the name, text thumb is when you experience pain or discomfort in the wrist and/or thumb, due to repetitive movements when typing on small, handheld devices.

  • Keep your messages simple and short; use the word prediction or auto-complete features.
  • Keep your grip neutral and your wrists straight when texting.
  • Pay attention to pain; purchase thumb or wrist support to help stabilize the affected area.
  • Save non-urgent emails for your computer keyboard.
  • Take regular breaks; don’t type for more than three minutes at a time.
  • Use alternating fingers—not just your thumbs.

Text Neck

Not long after Blackberry thumb became a buzz word, text neck arrived on the scene. Chiropractors and medical doctors warn that slumping over your phone can lead to a forward head position, headaches, neck strain and discomfort.

  • If you must look down, don’t extend your chin forward. Gently tuck it in.
  • Sit up straight, your shoulder blades down and back, and your ears aligned with your shoulders.
  • To avoid poor posture, reorient yourself to hold your arms out and look straight ahead.

Bonus Tips! Desktop & Laptop

Aside from all the texting, you are likely spend some time at a laptop or desktop computer which can also lead to repetitive use injury and strain, such as carpal tunnel syndrome.

  • Again, sit up tall with your shoulders and head back, aligning your ears with your shoulders.
  • Keep your knees, hips and elbows at 90-degree angles, and your feet parallel to the ground. Use a footstool if necessary.
  • Receive regular chiropractic adjustments; ask your chiropractor to show you some helpful stretches.

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